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Plastic Surgery In Russian Federation

Andrievsky Andrew - Moscow - Logo

Andrievsky Andrew - Moscow

ul. Bolshaya Molchanovka, 32с1 ,Moskva


Gruzdev Clinic - Phlebology - Logo

Gruzdev Clinic - Phlebology

Manezhny per., 13m. Chernyshevskaya ,St. Petersburg


Gruzdev Clinic - Patients Department - Logo

Gruzdev Clinic - Patients Department

ul. 2nd Alekseevskaya, 7 m. Pioneer ,St. Petersburg


Gruzdev Clinic - Vein Clinic - Logo

Gruzdev Clinic - Vein Clinic

ul. Most Raznochinnaya, 27, m. Chkalovskaya ,St. Petersburg


Enel Clinic - Logo

Enel Clinic

Nagornyy b-r, 19 корпус 1 ,Moskva


Author's Clinic Of Plastic Surgery And Cosmetology - Logo

Author's Clinic Of Plastic Surgery And Cosmetology

Savvinskaya nab., 21 ,Moskva


Gruzdev Clinic - Plastic Surgery - Logo

Gruzdev Clinic - Plastic Surgery

ul. Chernyakhovsky, 53m. ligovsky Avenue ,St. Petersburg


Dr. Tigran Aleksanyan Albertovich - Logo

Dr. Tigran Aleksanyan Albertovich

Ul. Mnevniki, 13k1 ,Moscow


Plastic Surgeon Oleg Banizh - Krasnodar - Logo

Plastic Surgeon Oleg Banizh - Krasnodar

ul. Krasnykh Partizan, 238 ,Krasnodar


Clinic Amor - Moscow - Logo

Clinic Amor - Moscow

Ul. Halabyan, 13, k.1 ,Moscow


Clinic Amor - St. Petersburg - Logo

Clinic Amor - St. Petersburg

ul. Serpukhov, d.22 ,St. Petersburg


Plastic Surgeon Oleg Banizh - Moskva - Logo

Plastic Surgeon Oleg Banizh - Moskva

Nikulinskaya ul., 27 ,Moskva


Plastic Surgery And Cosmetology Oh Clinics - Boulevard - Logo

Plastic Surgery And Cosmetology Oh Clinics - Boulevard

Tsvetnoy Boulevard, 30, building 2 ,Moscow


Plastic Surgery And Cosmetology Oh Clinics - Novy Arbat - Logo

Plastic Surgery And Cosmetology Oh Clinics - Novy Arbat

Ul. B. Molchanovka 32 ,Moscow


Plastic Surgery And Cosmetology Oh Clinics - Taganka - Logo

Plastic Surgery And Cosmetology Oh Clinics - Taganka

ul.Vorontsovskaya, d 8, p. 6 ,Moscow


Plastic Surgery And Cosmetology Oh Clinics - Zubovsky Boulevard - Logo

Plastic Surgery And Cosmetology Oh Clinics - Zubovsky Boulevard

Zubovsky Boulevard, 35, p 1 ,Moscow


Klasko - Rublevo-Uspensky Highway - Logo

Klasko - Rublevo-Uspensky Highway

Rublevo-Uspenskoe Highway, 123 AB. ,Zhukovka


Arbat Aesthetics - Logo

Arbat Aesthetics

Stone Sloboda Lane, 6 / 2c2 ,Moscow


Deck Clinic - Logo

Deck Clinic

Ulitsa 1905 Goda, Shmitovsky, d 16, p. 2. ,Moscow


Ilya Sergeev - Logo

Ilya Sergeev

Myasnitskaya str., 32, build.1 ,Moscow


Plastic Surgery In Russian Federation


A prevalent pathology in women, lipoedema can be definitively treated by liposuction. This disease of the big legs in the Russian Federation often causes pain and discomfort. The removal of excess fat by the technique of tumescent liposuction is currently the solution to get rid of it permanently.


Lipoedema in Russian Federation?


Abnormally swollen legs that are painful when pinched can be a symptom of lipedema. This disease in Russian Federation is characterized by the abnormal production of fatty tissue in certain areas of the body. Lipoedema generally affects the legs (especially the part of the thighs, from the knees to the ankles), the buttocks, the hips, and the arms in certain cases.


There is a marked disproportion between the lower and upper body in people with this syndrome. Be careful, sport does not eliminate lipoedema. Weight gain in the lower limbs has nothing to do with overeating. The factors are more genetic and hormonal. Lipoedema can worsen following pregnancy or as you approach menopause.


Indications: why and when to perform lipoedema surgery in Russian Federation?


In addition to psychological distress and an aesthetic problem, lipoedema is difficult to live with on a daily basis because of the complications that result from it:

  • Loss of mobility,

  • Frequent hematomas and bruises,

  • Failure of the lymphatic system,

  • vascular fragility,

  • Heaviness,

  • Water retention.


The following alarming symptoms can help you recognize lipoedema:

  • difficulty losing weight in targeted areas,

  • no weight gain in the hands and feet,

  • swollen areas painful to pressure,

  • the appearance of bruises for no apparent reason,

  • extreme cellulite.


It is essential to recognize the disease and to do an examination to consider lipoedema surgery in Russian Federation. The pathology has a chronic and progressive character.

There are 3 stages of development that are distinguished according to the severity of the disease:

  • Stage I: the surface of the skin is still smooth. The hypodermis thickens and on palpation, small fatty nodules are felt.

  • Stage II: the nodules increase in size. The appearance of the skin becomes more irregular with a more marked orange peel skin.

  • Stage III: the nodules have reached a significant size. The accumulation of fatty tissue is more voluminous, leading to the deformation of the skin and limbs. The subcutaneous tissue hardens.


In stages I and II, symptomatic treatments can be applied to slow down the evolution of the syndrome. Lymphatic drainage and the use of compression and compression stockings aim to reduce edema and maintain the proper functioning of the vascular and lymphatic systems.


These measures at the primary stage help reduce pain and stabilize the disease. However, surgery is necessary at an advanced stage and when conservative treatment measures are insufficient.


In stage III, you may find yourself in a situation of disability. The tumescent liposuction method such as WAL (Water Assistant Liposuction) or Lipomatic will then make it possible to considerably eliminate excess fat and diseased fat cells.


Tumescent liposuction treatment of lipoedema gives excellent results when performed by a surgeon experienced in these surgical techniques.


How is lipoedema surgery performed in Russian Federation?


Before lipedema treatment in Russian Federation


After a touch examination during the consultation in Russian Federation, preoperative examinations are carried out before the surgery. Doppler ultrasound and MRI are necessary to assess the importance of the edema on the one hand, and the state of the lymphatic and venous network on the other. A bad venous system must be treated by mechanical compression and/or drainages before the operation. In the case of varicose veins, they are treated 6 months before surgery.


You are free to ask your questions during the consultation with the surgeon. Medications containing aspirin should be avoided in the 10 days preceding the operation.


During the treatment of lipedema in Russian Federation


Tumescent liposuction of the WAL or lipomatic type is the appropriate method for treating lipoedema. It consists in injecting a diluted anesthetic solution before the aspiration of fat. This method thus makes it possible to preserve the lymphatic vessels weakened by lipoedema.


Liposuction differs from conventional liposuction. It is a gentler fat suction technique thanks to much smaller incisions (around one millimeter). These incisions will be quickly absorbed after the operation. Cannulas are introduced through micro-incisions to inject a water solution. The subcutaneous fat cells will then swell and it will then be easier to suck them out.


General or locoregional anesthesia is used in the case of lipoedema. The patient may be conscious but cannot change position alone during the operation. Tumescent liposuction has other advantages, including reduced risk of bleeding. It can be applied to several parts of the body: hips, thighs, knees, calves, ankles, and arms.


After Lipoedema Treatment in Russian Federation


After the operation, hospitalization lasts from a few hours to 24 hours depending on the volume of fat removed. Fatigue and bruising are normal after surgery. Postoperative pain is generally not severe and resolves with the taking of painkillers. The bruises disappear after two to three weeks.


Recovery is pretty quick. You can resume your usual activities after one to two weeks and return to sport after a month. Some patients recover after only a week. Following liposuction, sun exposure is not recommended. Wait at least three weeks before sunbathing.


If liposuction surgery is the most effective way to get rid of excess fat, you should not give up on other treatments. There is always a risk of resumption of the phenomenon of lipoedema a few years after the operation.


Elastic compression stockings must be worn for up to six weeks. An adequate diet, bandages, and the practice of sports such as aquagym limit the risk of recurrence.


The results of lipoedema surgery in Russian Federation


Lipoedema surgery can remove a large volume of fat mass, ie 5 to 8 liters of fat during a single operation. The first results are visible after 3 weeks. After 2 months, the skin retracts and adapts to the new silhouette.


Following the operation, swelling or edema may persist for up to 6 months. Draining massages can help reduce postoperative edema more quickly.


The duration of lipoedema surgery in Russian Federation


Liposuction is a more or less long intervention. The operation lasts 1 to 3 hours depending on the number of fat cells to be sucked out.


The cost of lipoedema surgery in Russian Federation


Depending on the duration of the intervention and the importance of the edema, the prices vary between 5000 and 7900 euros including tax per intervention in Russian Federation. Operating room costs, hospitalization costs as well as the fees of the surgeon and the anesthetist are included in the price.


If lipoedema is recognized by the World Health Organization (WHO), its management is not considered by health insurance. The lipoedema treatment by liposuction is still the responsibility of the patient.